Sunday, November 2, 2008

And Then There Was One...


So, being the lazy kid Laura is, she didn't go until Friday to view Mr. Microaquarium. I fear that he might have been lonely. But anyway.

So, Fred (Crustacea) is still alive and kickin'! He was swimming around quite quickly and Laura had to try and chase him with the microscope. While she was chasing him, she discovered that the midges were gone. All of them have disappeared with no signs of their adsult forms anywhere. Thus, Laura and I have come to the grizzly conclusion that, between The Midge-Eater and their cannibalistic tendencies, they have become extinct (in regards to Mr. Microaquarium's environmen, that is).

The Midge-Eater seems to be browning lightly, possibly because now it does not have a source of food, since Fred is either too fast or too smart to be caught.

Once again Laura noticed that there is less dirt in Mr. Microaquarium. We now know this is Fred's fault because we caught him in the act of dirt-eating. Blek.

Oh! New development! Laura found some cute little square things everywhere. They looked like little groups of square green cells. Upon investigation, we discovered that these little guys are called Agmenellum.

Laura also believes she saw some diatoms here and there. And there were also little clouds of tiny dots she has yet to identify.

Laura also spotted some cyanobacteria here and there. The ones she saw were dividing (she thinks).

And finally, we saw a little teardrop shaped dude whose head appeared to be at the tiny end of the teardrop and he drug his fat booty behind him. Not sure what he is yet, didn't see him last week.

I guess that's all for now. Despite the seemingly large amounts of new developments, Mr. Microaquarium seems very dead compared to last week. Until next time!



Plant A: seems unchanged

Plant B "The Mide-Eater": browning lightly, has nothing caught in its traps

Organisms Observed:
  • Crustacea (Fred): eating dirt
  • Cyanobacteria
  • Agemenellum
  • Diatoms
  • teardrop-like thing
  • clouds of dots
Less dirt and water than last time.

More information to be added next week.

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