Monday, October 20, 2008

In the Beginning...

In the beginning there was a tiny aquarium.

Inside this tiny aquarium lived a plethora of "stuff" all gathered from outside sources. The lovely, not so crystal clear water of jar number 12 came from the "water pool below the spring." This mystical water source resided near Lynnhurst Cemetery off of Adair Drive. Knox Co. Knoxville TN. Spring Feed Pond N36 01.357 W83 55.731 958 ft ... to be exact.

In the water from the "water pool below the spring," Plants A and B now live happily after surviving the traumatic man-handling by amateur botanist "Laura," in order to get them into the tiny aquarium.

Plant A, also known as Amblystegium varium, is a dull olive with many tiny leaves.

Plant B, commonly recognized as Utricularia vulgaris, is bright green with pointy leave. It is carnivorous!!!

Alongside Plants A and B and the water from the "water pool below the spring," amateur botanist Laura observed many microorganisms. The first organism Laura observed was quickly deemed "Fred." Laura believes Fred to be some type of Crustacea. After several minutes of observing Fred's spastic zooming, Laura soon discovered a grossly less active Fred, now recognized as "Dead Fred." Fred and Dead Fred are potentially the same type of organism, disregarding Dead Fred's obvious... lifelessness.

Laura also observed many other creatures that she currently assumes are cyanobacteria (long stationary greenish strand...things) and nematodes. However, none of her findings are conclusive yet, as she hardly knows what she is doing.

Hopefully after her next visit to Mr. Mini-Aquarium, amateur botanist Laura will have some slightly more intelligent findings to share.

And that concludes "In the Beginning..." as told by the chinchilla on Laura's shoulder.

O hai!


Water Source:
#12 Water pool below spring. Lynnhurst Cemetery off of Adair Drive. Knox Co. Knoxville TN. Partial shade exposure Spring Feed Pond N36 01.357 W83 55.731 958 ft 10/13/2008

Plant A:
Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb. Moss. Collection from: Natural spring. Fountain City Park west of Broadway at Hotel Ave. Knox Co. Knoxville TN. Partial shade exposure. N 36o02' 15.18" W083o55' 59.95"988 ft. 10/13/2008

Plant B:
Utricularia vulgaris L. Flowering Plant. A carnivous plant. Collection from: Greenhouse in White Ave Biology Annex. The University of Tennessee. 1400 White Ave. Knox Co. Knoxville TN.Partial shade exposure N 35o57' 33.45" W083o55' 42.01". 932 ft 10/13/2008

Organisms Observed:
  • Crustacea? - a larger shrimp-like creature
  • Nematodes? - worm-like creatures
  • Cyanobacteria? - stationary greenish strands

More information will be added after next observation.

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